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Step-by-step process for generating 3D cell models with RASTRUM Allegro: select matrix, choose architecture, prepare cells, print models, and perform downstream analysis for high-throughput drug discovery and biomedical research.

RASTRUM technology is designed to streamline your 3D cell model development from start to finish, delivering biologically relevant results with efficiency and precision. Simply point, click, and experiment with our cloud-based guided experimental design, ready-to-use protocols, and expert assistance.   

  1. Select your matrix: Choose from our large library of flexible, tunable, xeno-free matrices to mimic the tissue microenvironment to suit your research.
  2. Select your cell model architecture: Choose the structure and configuration of your cell model from our options to suit your experimental needs.
  3. Prepare your cells: Follow a simple protocol to prepare your patient-derived, iPSC or immortalized cells
  4. Print your cell models: Utilize RASTRUM's drop-on-demand bioprinting technology to rapidly and reproducibly generate your 3D cell models.
  5. Perform your downstream analysis: Grow your cells and easily integrate cell model analysis with existing downstream workflows and readouts.